When you think you need A&E, think NHS111 first

If you think you need A&E please contact NHS111 first.

Getting the right treatment, at the right time and at the right place has now become easier as Derby and Derbyshire residents are asked to contact NHS111 first by phone or online at 111.nhs.uk if they think they need A&E. The initiative, which launched on Tuesday 1 December, is designed to help residents in Derby and Derbyshire get the right treatment, at the right time and at the right place.  If those contacting NHS111 need to go to A&E then a booking or time slot will be arranged for them.

NHS111 provides medical advice and assessment quickly. People using NHS111 will be taken through a series of questions which will determine the next course of action. This may result in patients being referred to their GP practice for a call back or an arrival time being given for A&E or an Urgent Treatment Centre, who will then know who is due to attend. The new system will help to ensure that people can safely receive the right care, in the most appropriate setting, whilst relieving pressure on hospital A&E departments.

To contact 111 click 111.nhs.uk or call 111. You should continue to use 999 if you have a serious or life-threatening condition or accident.